Miss Easy Shots in Csgo but Hit Hard Shots
aslak, is that you?
Most accurate comment I've ever seen.
same here mate i understand u
Just aim more and slower..(I guess,awp is not for me too :D)
awp is my best weapon, but sometimes i just miss really stupid shots. like i'm ct-mid at d2 scooping at long, and i miss a shot with the guy passing to the bs, i feel like punching the fucking screen.
I've been an awper since 1.6 and I really know that feel bro.
playing mm?
master guardian II, started playing recently
64 tick ftw. just play on 128 tick rate
altpug, faceit, picc´s!!! .D
i know that feel bro, happens all the time with me
first aim then press mouse1 (while u are standing still pref.)
thank you for this information
prostrats 2014
Better than HeatoN's pro tips for cs 1.6
story of my life
I take her home...
I drive all night
i think you should put more time into practicing with the awp it used to be like that for me at the beginning but after some time i rarely miss with it.
new top awp player: cHaos~* Clap, clap, clap..
well i didn't mean it in that way but w/e i guess thanks lol.
I had 4000h+ in 1.6 and I still had the same problem. Except in 1.6 I could move and escape better, try again and kill them, in GO I can't and I lose a shitload of rounds cuz of it.
Movement was something I loved using while awping.
I thought this was a Delpan thread.
Seriously, though, this is what happens: you hit most of easy shots and miss most of hard ones. But you only make a big deal out of it when you miss an easy shot, and when you hit a hard one.
This. I also feel like I hit more hard shots than easy ones. I'm pretty sure that in reality, I just feel worse about missing the easy shots and thus put bigger weight on those misses.
I thought of this, it isn't the case.
Think harder. Do some statistics. I am also pretty sure this is just a feeling that most people feel but is actually just an illusion
+1 hard shot +1 hard shot -1 easy shot(I am such a bitch) +1 hard shot
Ask your arm's opinion. Maybe easy shots too boring for it.
This :D +1
Happens to me to, i think its because its easier to hit shots when the enemy cant hit you easy. If you are on long open they can hit you easy, but if you peak through a small box its hard for them and easy for you.
put more hours into the game, and you should be more stable. Nothing else
In 1.6 didn't really matter cause I was confident in my aim there, in CSGO however it feels weird especially with AWP, where the hell is quickscoping volvo? Remove that noscope bullshit and fix AWP.
I used to hit so much quick shots in 1.6. CS:GO quick scope is really horrible. And also there's that thing on the aim when you are walking with awp, it keeps unfocusing
Delpan Detected.
I wish lol
same here, i miss every fucking easy shot, but i can hit those hard ones ;_;
FUCK THIS SHIT!! I wrote like 200 words and then by accident pressed the FUCKING "<-" button and lost everything.. :(((( *mad* Anyways.. I had similar issue because due to my good reaction-time and quickness I was able to flick-shoot everything.. The problem was that even when hitting 60 - 80% of those flicks there was only 60 - 80% of easy shoots hit.. You need to learn to use more time for aiming when you have it.. Learn to follow your target with your crosshair without shooting and then just gradually include the Mouse1 action into that flawless smooth aiming.. Then just use your fast flicks for those difficult shoots and smooth aiming for easy kills=profit! In the end it is just practice practice practice.. :DD
I have the same problem like picc, but like you said "learn to follow your target" I can't follow my target. Like, I ask my friends to move in spawn (aaa+ddd+aaa) and I can't hit them lol. I can hit easily in medium distance
So you moved on. :)
I wouldn't exactly call it a switch.
Oh. How do you like the game then?
It's all right. I always liked it as a game itself, I just didn't think (and still do), that is the game that should continue 1.6's legacy.
less wanking - more hitting
happens to me with ak47, i just cant kill people rushing me with pistols but playing against other rifles/awp poses no problems
Same here I'm standing behind a guy on dust2, its a free kill but i keep missing him and i die I'm defending B site on dust2 versus 3 T's. They rush me with their AK's and I kill them all, really clutch its my curse, dammit
happens usually on 64tick
hard shot ez hit. Happens all the time.
High sens maybe. It used to happen with me, I'm with a lower zoom sensitivity now and it helped a lot
I'm using 1, that's what I feel it's most logical.
If you don't feel comfortable, decrease it to 0.9, and go play some DM. I did this when I was missing some easy shots. I was with 1.1 I think, and decreased 0.1 two times. Now I'm with 0.9 and it works better with me, since my ingame sensitivity is a bit high
Happens with everyone sadly.
Not everybody is fit to be awper..
Maybe, it's mentality. Easy shots are so easy that you pressure yourself into thinking you HAVE to hit it or suffer embarrassment, further leading you to more anxiety. An add-on to this is that you have missed so many easy shots that you subconsciously think that you are going to miss again, leading you to miss.
Insecurity is a bitch
I have the same problem, decided it was because I only practice hard shots, so the easy shots I don't have down by muscle memory as well. who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
how much fps do you play? Because here has some influence on the sensitivity
Really depends, as low as 60 as high as 140, normally I'd say 70-100.
yeah, the problem about csgo is that the fps are not stable and you require at least (i think)120 fps for the game to be a bit smooth. I know that because when I bought my new computer in November 2013, I used to play 150-180 fps and now I play at 80-100 fps. I can feel a big diference on my sensitivity. I feel a bit delay on the mouse movement and it's really frustrating. I can't do nothing to help you, I think the problem is in the game itself or idk.
128 fps becus of 128 tick
happens to me 70% of the time on MM servers less often on powerful servers
same sometimes magic awesome reflex kills and sometimes miss ez shot :D
Believe in yourself.. If you ever put doubt in your aim you WILL miss your shot. I always think in my head that the enemy are complete newbs. Even when I play against EU topteams, and that makes me hit most of my shots.. And always blame the 64 tick servers, when you play MM.
Don't forget that a lot of awp shots are about prediction, they are never guaranteed to hit. That way easy shots can be harder than people think. And flicking is just practice practice practice
Any idea what's the cause of this? A friend told me it's from 64 tick, but in 1.6 it also happened the server didn't register the bullets properly, but with awp it always a hit regardless. This happens me every game, I just got really pissed me off in this one, and decided to record in slowmotion to see if I actually hit them or not. youtube.com/watch?v=loembxL-EnQ
I just got aware of the showimpacts command, too lazy to record everything again, but I watched the demo with sv_showimpacts 1, I hit the 2 guys in the action on mid, but missed the guy at 3rd guy at long.
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Source: https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/615763/missing-easy-shots-hitting-hard-ones
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